Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Pony Express could have delivered it by now

On Sunday, Feb. 6, I ordered some dye for fabric (the latest craze I am into.)

Thursday of last week (Feb. 10) I finally received a confirmation my order had been shipped. Hallelulia, a cause for celebration.

Tuesday, Feb. 15, now NINE days since placing my order, I decided to use that handy tracking feature offered by Fed Ex.  And therein lies the problem.  Just how effective is it for a package to depart Belleville, Mich. on Feb. 11, destined to travel WEST to Iowa .... but instead it travels first to New Berlin, Wis.  Monday it arrives in Kansas City, Kansas. Uh, hello? Is that the most direct route to Iowa, via Kansas? 

The Pony Express could have had my package here by now! As it is, the shipper Fed Ex, is suggesting my pkg. should arrive by Thursday.

To be clear, my complaint is with the corporate system that's determined shuffling packages from shipping site to shipping site is more effective than a direct route. As for the local Fed Ex delivery persons -- I have nothing but praise regarding their service. When temperatures were below zero, we've even had our delivery guy phone ahead while packing that day's order to be sure we'd be around for pick-up when our delivery was a case of wine. That's customer service! Perhaps the corporate office could take a cue from it's laborers who obviously better understand customer service.


  1. What I hate is when the item is shipped via Fed Ex and then they deliver to the post office 4 blocks from my house and then have to wait another day for the mailman to deliver it to me. If that was how it was going to be, then I would have just had the mail deliver it all along. That happened to 4 different packages around Christmas and just got so frustrating!

  2. Oh, I know, I've had that experience too!! Liked your Facebook post about the movie theater. BUMMER! I'm a big Elton John fan and wondered what the music to Gnomeo is like .... hope you're able to see it elsewhere!
