Friday, February 18, 2011

Le Peeeew!!

My sister phoned this morning with some news that had me chuckling because she said she sure could have used my gun last night.

That struck me funny at first, because I was with her until about 9 p.m. at One Block Over's "quilt night," and wondered what kind of trouble she'd gotten into at that late of hour on her way home. Seems my younger sibling thought their darling-faced Golden Doodle, "Bella" needed some Fresh Air before the family retired around 10 p.m. But the air was anything but that 10 min. later, as Joleen called for the dog to return to the house.

Living on the edge of the "wild" as they do, with a fairly large pasture of unmowed grass behind a grove of pine trees ... nocturnal varmints emerge in the dark looking for a meal in the backyards of the city's residents.

Unfortunately, Bella had an encounter with PePe Le Peu, or his cousin.

So with the clocking ticking toward 10:30 p.m., Joleen searched the internet for a cure, and soon the pair was giving their dog a bath of vinegar and baking soda – in OLD CLOTHES she informed me, in case they needed to throw them away afterward!

Apparently their quick action was beneficial, as after one bath outside on the deck (brrrr!) and another in the garage, they deemed Bella indeed had lost most of her 'Le Skunk' perfume.

In the future, Bella will likely be restricted to the front yard for those 'just before bedtime do-your-business excursions.'

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!!! Bella has a princess name but the soul of a great hunter.
