It was nearly a full day at the hospital today as Alison had labs, pulmonary function test, pulmonary rehab, saw Dr. Klesney-Tait and again had her medications tweaked.
She's still experiencing back pain and so sleep hasn't been plentiful. In fact, sometimes she feels like she hasn't slept at all and right now, it's just what she desires most. She DID finally get that full soak shower now that her chest bandages have been removed, and she washed her hair. She said it was a WONDERFUL feeling to stand under the water. Her remark to Mom later, however, was, "My torso looks like a war zone!" And it does. I saw her "clam shell" incision, which admittedly was beautifully placed as even Alison won't see much of her scar. However, the patient's stomach area is peppered with pokes and bruises from the Heparin shots. And then there are the stitches from where the chest tubes had been. It does look like a minefield!
Tomorrow her visit to the hospital will include pulmonary rehab and more labs.
If anyone is still wishing to send a card, probably best to send it to the Garvin home in West Union, rather than her hotel, as Mom and Dad and friends are traveling back and forth between Iowa City and home quite frequently. The street and house number are 401 Rickel and the zip, 52175.
Hi janell. thank you for all the update on Alison. We are still in Wichita. Might head up to Kansas city and stay there a few days before heading home to Iowa. so happy for the entire family. Love Connie and Ronnie