Oh the weather outside is frightful!!
Unless your idea of paradise is a minus 18 degrees on the thermometer at the time of awaking from a pleasant slumber. Brrrr! For readers in warmer climates - not only is it overly chilly in Northeast Iowa right now, but many of us are buried under more than a foot of snow. I returned home from a holiday gathering at the neighbors' house last night at 9 p.m. – and the mercury had already dropped to -10.
We could complain, or we could attempt to enjoy this winter that promises to keep the ground covered in a white blanket insulating our spring bulbs ...
Some winters my cross country skis have remained tucked into the rafters of our unfinished basement collecting dust. But not this year! Twice already I've taken the Salomons out into the yard for a little skate around the premises. Yesterday, as temps rose to 20 degrees with no wind, Lucy, Lulu and Honey joined me in the snow. Other than cold paws where ice chips form between their toes, these three siblings love the fluffy white stuff. It appears they'll need some training however, on how to either stay BEHIND the skis, or jump aboard and enjoy the ride. Silly "Honey" believed he could stroll along in my ski track in front of me, until I took him out as I gained speed down the hill.
He'll learn.
The forecast for Wednesday: Another 2-4 inches of fresh snow!! Someone must have heard Bing Crosby crooning, "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" the other night on the american movie classics station.
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